

I'm a freelance illustrator from Staffordshire, currently dwelling in my plant and cat-filled home studio in Liverpool, where I am happiest working at my drawing board, daydreaming of an era I never knew. Since graduating from Liverpool School of Art in 2012, I've worked at refining a distinct signature style using pen and ink to create intricately detailed illustrations. 

A love of the natural world and the romance and rich nostalgia of  bygone times are intricately woven into my illustrations, which are often inspired by Victoriana and the magical fairytale books I loved as a child. My work has an emphasis on storytelling and a decorative nature which can easily lend itself to publishing, surface design, homeware and packaging as well as prints and stationery.

I'm always ready to talk about exciting new projects, commissions or collaborations, so please get in touch if you have a brief in mind. I also sell prints and greetings cards, head over to the shop section of my website to see more.


Let's work together! If you have any enquiries please get in touch via: rheannon.ormond@gmail.com